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2024 Election Season

Races We Will Focus on This Year
Headshot of Jacky Rosen
Senator Jacky Rosen (D-NV)

Candidate for Senate in 2024

U.S. Senator Jacky Rosen is a fighter for Nevada’s hardworking families, an independent voice standing up for her state, and a problem solver who knows how to bring people together to deliver smart, bipartisan solutions in Washington.

Jacky is the granddaughter of immigrants and the daughter of a World War II veteran. She grew up in a working-class family, and as the first in her family to graduate from college, she worked multiple jobs – including as a waitress at Caesars Palace – and took out student loans to make ends meet. After working as a computer programmer at major companies in Southern Nevada, she later stepped away from her career to take care of her aging parents and in-laws.

In 2016, Jacky ran for Congress and won, flipping a highly competitive Republican-held district. In 2018, Jacky ran for Senate and was the only Democratic challenger in the country to unseat a Republican incumbent that year, becoming the second woman Senator in Nevada history. She is also the first computer programmer and the first former synagogue president ever elected to the Senate.

Because of her work across party lines to support hardworking families and small businesses and her record of getting results that improve the lives of all Nevadans, Jacky has been recognized as one of the most bipartisan Senators.

Jacky was motivated to run for office by a desire to make a difference for her community. That’s why she’s laser-focused on growing Nevada’s economy for the future — particularly when it comes to travel and tourism, clean energy jobs, and STEM education — while bringing down costs so working families are able to make ends meet. She’s also committed to making health care more accessible and affordable and addressing Nevada’s doctor shortage, fighting for reproductive rights, cracking down on political corruption in Washington, supporting our servicemembers and veterans, and advocating for comprehensive immigration reform that fixes our current broken system. These are Jacky’s priorities and the issues she is fighting for every day in the Senate.

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